Thursday, April 26, 2007

Tell about it all over town......

Today has been a crazy hectic day (I think I say that every day!). I am the night owl - much opposite to my husband. On my way to bed, I had to stop and take a moment to start sharing some of the other pages I didn't get to share over the retreat with each of you. YES - it is almost midnight.

A reminder from Saturday morning - each one of you have the ability to profoundly effect those around you starting from our families and extending to our neighbours, co-workers, and acquaintances – allow God to shine through you as you interact with those you meet daily.

In one of our Monday evening meetings Kimberley said something like "we are cracked-pots". To me that means despite who we are, we can shine God's light to others! I encourage each of you to join us and “be a cracked pot that the light shines through”. Anyway, it’s kind of good to be a cracked pot trust me – try it!

Luke 8:38 - This is the story of Jesus sending the demons out of a man…..

“The man from whom the demons had gone out begged to go with him, but Jesus sent him away saying “Return home and tell how much God has done for you” So the man went away and told all over town how much Jesus had done for him.”

Note this man didn't just share it with one person, he shared it all over town! When God touches your life, don’t be afraid to share it - tell your neighbours, family and friends!


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