Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Catching up....

I can't believe that since I last wrote, the months have carried off heat waves, dusty veranda's, rain, pine trees topping off with snow and ice storms that have left slushy sidewalks and highways behind. You will notice that I kind of ran through summer, fall and winter months that I have watch fly by. I do hope the past months have been significantly less hectic for most of you.

Gerald and I have kept ourselves busy at our home church, the Milton Sanctuary with plugging into our "body builder team" (I will explain that one another time), our home church group and the challenging adventure of opening our new business. We opened our business (Invitations by SanSheira's) in the middle of October and have learned much (business opearation can be a university eduction!!) We are blessed and have begun to see good results of the hard work. God has brought some very interesting moments through the people we hvae met in the store, moments that go beyond the growth of the business. We have met people and connected with them on a personal level and on a few instances have had the opportunity to pray for some of them and their families.

We recently adopted a dog who was facing life in an animal shelter as his "mom" had taken seriously ill. This dog's name is Rayner (Ray as I prefer). He's a cute dog - but seems to have some trust and fear issues that have become apparent in a few not so thrilling moments with him. There have been times when we wondered if we made the right choice to rescue him and make our home his. However, he has us over a barrel with his continuous wagging tail, and display of incredible intelligence and obvious appreciation and love he has for us.

Our children are doing good and we are hanging in ( personally by my fingernails!) through some interesting events ranging from yellow-green hair to nose peircing. I can't help but wonder what some of the "trends" are really all about. I had an education yesterday in the world of real fashion. I picked-up a magazine at my daughter's work and commented on a model who had a beautiful hand knit scarf wrapped so heavily all over head that she appeared to have a cobra snake as body. The words "who in the world would wear this outfit" sprang out of my mouth, which brought some almost silent giggles and finally my education in the world of fashion. This particular magazine displayed the "couture" of fashion (not how someone would actually wear a fashion). So, apparently people don't really wear these crazy outfits (like lampshades on their head etc). I had to laugh at myself and my lack of "fashion" understanding..... Oh how interesting it has been.

In speaking to many people recently I have noted a common element in moods these days. The negative thoughts and attitudes (ever had moments like this?) So, I have decided to decide to ensure I don't dwell on the negatives we are faced with, but to choose to look and focus on the positive. With a chosen positive attitude we will be able to encourage others and in turn we will be surrounded by incredibly positive people who will shine down like a ray of heavenly sun.

I recently read in 1 Peter 4:8 "Above all, love eachother deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewarts of God's grace in its various forms. If you speak, you should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If ou serve, you should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. "

Praise God that He is always faithful and watches us ever so closely, loving us through the good and the bad. Let us continually focus on the positive as we ditch the negative. May we love eachother with all we have and may the only grumbling we hear is the thunderstorms brought on by the heat waves soon to be upon us!!

God Bless!
