Tuesday, August 26, 2008


This morning Gerald and I took our coffee/tea outside to sit on our newly donated swing. The swing sits right at the edge of the lake and is such a calm welcoming spot. The weather has turned "chilly" out here (way way way out here...lol) and we had to have 2 blankets on the bed lastnight. Gerald even had his sweat shirt on - quite the look the two of us. This morning it is still chilly, but we understand promises are in the rise for a warmer day.

I arriving last to the swing sat down and asked Gerald what he was reading. "Proversb 3" he replied. Hmm... I had just decided this morning to go back to Proverbs. So before I began my personal reading I skipped over to where he was (Proverbs 3:9 - that being another conversation in itself). I had intended on starting at the beginning but I jumped over to where I had some written notes from a long time ago (notably in orange marker) .

Proverbs 3:21 "my son, preserve sound judgement and discernment, do not let them out of your sight, they will be life for you, an ornament to grace your neck. Then you will go on your way in safety, and your foot will not stumble; when you lie down, you will not be afraid, when you lie down, your sleep will be sweet. Have no fear of sudden disaster or of the ruin that overtakes the wicked, for the Lord will be your confidence and will keep your foot from being snared".

Lately I have been experiencing some signs of anxiety. I have been tired and overworked and the list can go on afterall, it IS all about ME! I know like I know that I have not used sound judgement in many areas of my life this past while, especially in the area of when to stop for rest (DAILY) and to spend time DAILY with him (and then my husband, my children, my dog, the housework etc). So, in my wacky way of analyzing things simply, if we JUST do things like we are supposed to we "work well". If we don't take enough "fibre" into our systems we get all out of wack. If we don't go to God first thing in our day, we just don't work well!! So, in using scripture to apply to where I am in my life at this moment, I must remember to use good judgement in using my time wisely and firstly spending daily time with Him. If we are going to Him daily we will hang His word around our necks, like scripture says "an ornament to grace your neck".

Back to the beginning of Proverbs for me.... and Gerald and the swing by the lake, hot tea and the chilly breeze.


Monday, August 25, 2008

Orange and all....

I continue to share about Liam. It seems that despite all that is going on in our lives, Liam is always in our daily prayers, thoughts and conversations. Every week I hear of new people who don't even know Liam are praying for him. The months have brought many trials to each of us and despite our own personal trials, Liam's is forefront in all of our thoughts and prayers. I am thankful for loving caring people who continue to pray for him.

A couple of Sunday's ago I joined Kimberley's TeamKid class at church. I sat back and watched the kids as they joined "Tat and the boys" in the Sunday morning music session. I took pictures of the children as they interacted with eachother, especially during the very "active" game lesson Kimberley was teaching. At one point in time Liam pulled up a chair and sat beside me and we watched together. We sat silently together and shared the occasional glance and smile. It was one of those neat moments shared that wasn't necessarily outstanding, but very neat.

Tonight I was sitting reading Kimberley's blog and I drifted away in thought and reflected on the moment I was recently able to share with Liam at church. As I had watched Kimberley interacting and teaching the children, I leaned over and said to Liam "you are lucky, your mom's a GREAT teacher". He turned his head and said to me, "you are a good teacher too". He looked directly at me, smiled and turned his attention back to the group. It was just "one of those moments" that has left a footprint in my heart (a "Liam" footprint).

Just for the record, our entire moments together were not completely quiet. There was the moment Liam couldn't help himself by trying to steal my popcorn (which was part of a game being played), laughing and just "quietly" being who he is. I love that he's intuitive, funny, of incredible "orange" character, daring, wide eyed and ready for fun! I am glad I can be the sometimes "bad influence" in his life!! Just for the record, I think Liam is the "bad influence" He's always getting me in trouble!! Being with Liam lets the "kid" in me be O.K. (well O.K. in MY eyes anyway..haha) It brings great joy to my heart to just have fun around him. I love the looks only HIS eyes can dart at me.

More than having fun this particular Sunday morning, it was especially eye opening as I noted how he had obviously WATCHED me as I attempted to "teach" him and the other children in the TeamKid class through the years. Liam has been listening to me but more importantly he has been watching me and has begun to KNOW some of the "inside" me. I am not necessarily a "good" teacher, but more importantly, because Liam has WATCHED me, he has begun to know my heart and my attempts at being one of the TeamKid teachers.

So if Liam has been able to get to know my "heart" I wonder if He has been able to see my worry, fear and anxiety over "Tubby the Tumor". Liam shouldn't see anxiety, fear and worry. He should see our faith, trust and belief in Jesus and all that He says. I am reminded that when we don't go to Jesus first, we could naturally either openly reflect our responses to trails or even try to "hide" our responses. I don't believe we are able to hide our responses, fears and anxieties, especially to those close to us. It's hard to hide much through our eyes. It has not been easy for me as well as I am sure many of you, to let go of the "why" question, to allow fear and anxiety overwhelm us. I am working at replacing the "why" with petitions of prayer and thanks. I encourage any of you who are asking the "why" questions to replace the "why" with prayer.

I was thinking about God and how He watches us. He doesn't have to look into our eyes, He knows us EXACTLY where we are at, especially when we are not going to Him. I can see Him tapping His foot gently with His chin rested on his hand as He lightly shakes His head. I wonder if He asks "why".

Our friends are facing a huge trial, and are kneeling at His feet for strength and wisdom. He knows when we are facing trails, how we are coping and what we need. As Gerald and I sit by the lake this weekend in an attempt to escape the busy of the city, I am reminded ever so much that we do not have to escape to the country to embrace moments with HIM. We just need to stop whever we are, seek solitude and wait patiently to hear what He has to say.

The quiet lessons others can teach us, especially those who silently watch us.Thanks Liam!!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

To know Liam

I have been reading (as I am sure we all are) Kimberley's blog for updates on Liam. I hesitate to write as Kimberley's account is obviously the most accurate we can get. However, I wanted to share with you the amazing kid that God has blessed each of us who know him.

This is a kid who first of all loves the Lord Jesus with all his heart. He's the cutest little evangalist I have met. Liam's smile entices his eyes and together they touch your heart to the very deepest part. His polite nature compliments his inquisitive personality. His beautiful brown eyes see so much - and if you look closely you can almost see what he's thinking.

A comic clown he often is. Pranks, jokes and funny remarks are always fun to share. A child who listens to his parents - I am sure even in times when he would prefer not to. Like the times when he KNOWS like he knows that he shouldn't accept offers of the candy machine at the sports centre where we worship on Sunday's. He waivers only for seconds before saying "no thank you". His hugs sometimes are given on the run - just because he knows he has to hug his mom's old friends until he turns 18! Some days he almost smashes you over as he runs to hug you and say HI! He's 8 going on 23 - wiser than I think we realize.

He brings a smile to my face every moment I think of him.

Pray for our beautiful little friend for complete healing!!


Saturday, July 19, 2008

When you REALLY least expect it

Once again I can share that it has been a while since I wrote. Honestly, I have allowed the "busyness" of my life to take a foothold. Have you heard the old saying that the older you get the faster life flies by? Well... I can personally say that it is not an old "saying", it is the truth. My days although the same hours as everyone around me, seems to have less minutes in the hour!! My intentions often don't get further than the thoughts processed in my brain. So back to the drawing board to get myself on track with many things!

The past month has brought many needs for prayer for friends and families around us. We have been praying continually for Liam (Jason & Kimberley's son - my "adopted" nephew - long story!). Laim's diagnosis of a brain tumor has truly left all of us overwhelmed. My personal thoughts and feelings have been what I call "honestly human" . You know, those moments when you jump into "react " mode before even going to God in prayer.

When Kimberley called me to share the news from the doctor, I must admit I was so emotional that I was of little support to Kimberley. It took me quite a few days to get it together enough to to keep from breaking down around them. Sometimes you get hit right in the face with a situation that you have no choice but handle. I was thinking of skipping church the first Sunday after I found out the news, however Kimberley didn't give me a chance to even entertain the idea. She and all four children showed up at the store the Saturday after the news, with flowers and smiles. What more could anyone do but smile in the face of a strong and incredible young boy and a mom who truly needs each of her friends to stand strong and faithful in prayer for her son? If nothing works to keep you together - try Strawberry Frapachino's with four little kids!!

I was thinking how could I share the prayer requests for Liam without repeating the updates Kimberley is sharing? I wanted to write prayer requests on the blog, yet didn't know which way to do it. So... what I hope to do is share the jouney ahead from what God is doing in their lives that effect us as we walk with them. I have watched as Kimberley & Jason's incredible faith and belief that Jesus is who He says He carry them forward and hold them up. It is without a doubt that they know like they know that Jesus hears their prayers and is watching over Liam. They have stood firm in the face of such an incredible trial. They live out what they know and believe.
All of you who know Kimberley have heard her say if only I could get them to "know what I know".

In times of trails when we are tired and possibly doubting, we must go back to what we know! Jason shared with me a thought about being so close to a situation that we can't see the entire picture...only what is immediately in front of our eyes. He had me stand right up with my nose to Liam's picture. He then asked me what I saw... to which I responded, hair and one ear. He then had me stand back a bit from the picture and again asked me what I saw. From a distance I was able to firstly see Liam's face in full, his long hair his grinning smile, dancing eyes, his shirt and the background of the picture. Ahhh I discovered, to stand back and see the picture in it's entirety brings a total different perspective. I think Jason shared it like this... "God is the artist/painter -we don't know the strokes of the brush until He places it on the paper. He knows the strokes of His brush, we don't. We have to wait to see the entire picture to know or understand.

So..I am working hard at not asking "why". I am focusing on what God is going to bring out of all of this. One thing I know for sure is Liam is an incredible witness to Christ and without a doubt the nurses and doctors at the hospital will be in for an anwesome experience as they get to know our Liam.

Please continue praying with all of us as we walk with Kimberley & Jason.


Wednesday, April 9, 2008

When we least expect it....

Life just keeps happening. I get up in the morning with so much intention and by the end of the month (after many mornings of intention), I realize that somewhere along the line.... I just didn't get to it, whatever it was!

I have attempted to write a few times this past months. I start out with a few lines and then once again face the writing "dry spell". I was encouraged by a friend to write about the "dry spell" and I think I tried... but faced little success. And then sometimes when we least expect it....

Today I received a note from my one daughter. She shared that sometimes she didn't really see things and sometimes doesn't say much - but she thinks I am a big part of the "spark" she carries in life. I was very touched and humbled by her words. I joked a bit inside thinking... "oh no - her crazy and passionate personality is my fault"!. After the chuckle, I was more humbled by my ability to effect who she is and who she could and will be. A racing thought entered my mind, if only I could start over with all four of my children. Start over with a purpose and plan of how I was going to guide their walk, encourage each of them in their individuality, shape them to incredible heights with my utmost ability. If only.....

I think about the "silver lining" of who each of us really are. The lining that lies quietly below the worldly elements of who we are in reaction to a world around us. The protected core that is tucked safely below the human walls we create to survive the crashing waves of life. The core that shines like a precious gem. This core is the element of who we are. He created that core - do we know why?

I can only begin to imagine how our Father paces with anticipation, excitement and wonder just waiting to see what we are going to do with all He has done to ignite our individual sparks, to mould us exactly as He wants us. How touched He is when we just stop and share our hearts with him. How thrilled He is when His precious child thrives with love, passion and spark.

How blessed we are that we have our Father who watches from above with more love in His heart for us than we could possibly imagine.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Catching up....

I can't believe that since I last wrote, the months have carried off heat waves, dusty veranda's, rain, pine trees topping off with snow and ice storms that have left slushy sidewalks and highways behind. You will notice that I kind of ran through summer, fall and winter months that I have watch fly by. I do hope the past months have been significantly less hectic for most of you.

Gerald and I have kept ourselves busy at our home church, the Milton Sanctuary with plugging into our "body builder team" (I will explain that one another time), our home church group and the challenging adventure of opening our new business. We opened our business (Invitations by SanSheira's) in the middle of October and have learned much (business opearation can be a university eduction!!) We are blessed and have begun to see good results of the hard work. God has brought some very interesting moments through the people we hvae met in the store, moments that go beyond the growth of the business. We have met people and connected with them on a personal level and on a few instances have had the opportunity to pray for some of them and their families.

We recently adopted a dog who was facing life in an animal shelter as his "mom" had taken seriously ill. This dog's name is Rayner (Ray as I prefer). He's a cute dog - but seems to have some trust and fear issues that have become apparent in a few not so thrilling moments with him. There have been times when we wondered if we made the right choice to rescue him and make our home his. However, he has us over a barrel with his continuous wagging tail, and display of incredible intelligence and obvious appreciation and love he has for us.

Our children are doing good and we are hanging in ( personally by my fingernails!) through some interesting events ranging from yellow-green hair to nose peircing. I can't help but wonder what some of the "trends" are really all about. I had an education yesterday in the world of real fashion. I picked-up a magazine at my daughter's work and commented on a model who had a beautiful hand knit scarf wrapped so heavily all over head that she appeared to have a cobra snake as body. The words "who in the world would wear this outfit" sprang out of my mouth, which brought some almost silent giggles and finally my education in the world of fashion. This particular magazine displayed the "couture" of fashion (not how someone would actually wear a fashion). So, apparently people don't really wear these crazy outfits (like lampshades on their head etc). I had to laugh at myself and my lack of "fashion" understanding..... Oh how interesting it has been.

In speaking to many people recently I have noted a common element in moods these days. The negative thoughts and attitudes (ever had moments like this?) So, I have decided to decide to ensure I don't dwell on the negatives we are faced with, but to choose to look and focus on the positive. With a chosen positive attitude we will be able to encourage others and in turn we will be surrounded by incredibly positive people who will shine down like a ray of heavenly sun.

I recently read in 1 Peter 4:8 "Above all, love eachother deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewarts of God's grace in its various forms. If you speak, you should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If ou serve, you should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. "

Praise God that He is always faithful and watches us ever so closely, loving us through the good and the bad. Let us continually focus on the positive as we ditch the negative. May we love eachother with all we have and may the only grumbling we hear is the thunderstorms brought on by the heat waves soon to be upon us!!

God Bless!
