Tuesday, June 26, 2007


As I get ready to flop in bed, I have reflected on my day spent with my youngest daughter. I am not sure she planned to spend the enitre day with me when she stopped in looking for my help with something, however as the events played out, we ended up sharing the day and evening and it was such a blessing to me.

We are both of the similar character which can be quite interesting as together we can be like the best of fireworks, brilliant white sparkles in the sky or red hot blasts of shooting stars. I being the mature one (??) have learned to be gentle and humble in my relationship with her. Reasoning as I often do, I determined that my many years of being "the boss" teaching her how to do things "the right way" (MY way) are worn out and it's been best for me to work on the humble, gentle motherly ways. I now usually listen and gently remind her that things turn out better when we are even just a little humble. Either I have learned to balance our personalities or she has given up fiercely debating with me!!

I am continually reminded of the slight failure of my attempts to "let go" and allow my girls to make it "their" way. I still find myself doing things that must send messages that they are still my "little" girls , which by the way is how we ended spending the enitre day together. I had decided she "needed me" to go with her on her drive into the country..."just in case I said"!

I remember my father sharing many years ago "no matter how old you are, you will always be my child. When you are 50 I will still be the father and you the child". I guess he was right, I am sure I will always look at my children and see them just that way despite how hard I try to see them as grown up 22 & 31 year olds! I did my best to train them, teach them the right way. We never stop teaching them and I thank God for the blessing of the four children He allowed me to teach, guide and love.

Now I will have to see what my other daughter needs me to share with her this week!!

"Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it" Proverbs 22:6

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Beautiful young woman

Tonight we celebrated the very special birthday of a incredibly special young woman. A little girl all grown up. A princess... a very special princess.

I watched her welcome the invited guests and watched as each of them hugged her with love and admiration. I cried when she cried with happy emotions when these people who love her so much blessed her with a very special gift. Her OWN guitar. I watched and listened as she sang and played for the first time her guitar to the crowd of family and friends... and many of us wiped tears away with the pink napkins.

My friend, God has His protective arms open wide with an extended hand as He ushers you into the next journey of yours... As you run the journey never forget God's promises for you.
Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TAYLAR...... We are so proud of the special young woman you have become!!!

Friday, June 22, 2007

Wings to Fly

The past two weeks have been incredibly busy. I think many of us have found this time a bit overwhelming...with school ending, children getting excited for summer, life simply gearing up for the season. This past week Gerald and I had the opportunity to slip away for our 1st Anniversary to our cottage which is north of Kingston.

Each morning started off with me sleeping in, Gerald bringing me my morning tea and then his time alone with God at the sandy shore of the lake. I'd look out the window as I watched my husband spending time completely alone with God. No interruption of telephones, street noises, doors slamming and just general distraction. It was so awesome to watch him. Then after I had enough of my own quite time lazily sipping my tea, I'd grab my Bible and plop myself next to his reserved spot on the water's edge. Soon his quiet time as he knew it would be gone as I'd share what I was reading and pondering.

I had a wonderful week of these mornings. I have much to share and will begin this week with the things God brought to me. For now I want to show you a picture of a little bird that I am amazed with... look at his newly created wings as he begins his journey in life - spreading his wings so he can fly as high and fast as he was created to do.

This reminds me of each one of us... God has given us strong incredible wings and He waits for each one of us to extend the wings to their fullest, to stretch out to the sky and reach for all He has given us - all while completely glorifying Him. Begin each day this week extending your wings...stretching and challenging yourself higher, wider and braver than you dare to!

As I have not yet completely unpacked, my Bible is not handy - but I have saved many scriptures for you this week... watch for the rest of the journey.

God Bless each of you,


Thursday, June 7, 2007

The valley of sunshine

I have spent the past few days feeling like I have had a good breath of incredibly crisp, fresh, winter air. The kind that wakes you up, takes your breath away and gives you a new energy. I am thankful that God never fails me, that at my every turn if I look, I will see Him. I am thankful for the grace He continually extends me. It's sort of reassuring to be reminded that we spend most of our time in the valley.. not on the mountain top. YES!! reassuring.

The valley has incredible meadows of lush green grass and lazy fields filled with dandilions and sunflowers. It is well worth being in the valley just to experience this beauty. To run barefoot through the soft grass with total abandonment. To lay by the streams that run through the valleys. To play hide and seek in the glorious bushes beside the streams. The hazards of being in the valley, like dragons, python snakes, crawling crayfish hiding out in the swampy bottoms of hills is a minor inconvenience compared to the sunflowers and sun drenched lush grassy gardens. O.K. I guess there are not real dragons in the valley - but honestly sometimes it feels as though there are - you know the kind of dragons that thrash their tails back and forth swishing everyone and everything out of their way.

Tonight I read through Psalms a bit and I want to share "As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, my God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God." As the deer needs water, so we need Him. He is the living water of our soul, our Father God.

Thank you God that you made the valleys more beautiful than the cold, snowy mountain tops!!


Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Dare to believe in His Dream for You......

This past weekend we went to the women of faith conference in Rochester, New York. We had a wonderful time as Christine our commander & pilot, and Cheri our co-pilot, safely got us to our destination with time to spare for some bargain shopping and lunch at our favorite fine dinning establishment the “Cracker Barrel.” The food was OK, but I loved the gift shop.

The conference was amazing. It was so nice to sit and relax and listen to God speak to us through the various speakers, singers, drama and comedy that caused my stomach to hurt from laughing so hard.

Sheila Walsh sang a few songs that really spoke to me. The first was “Somewhere over the rainbow” I love this song from the Wizard of Oz; it’s one of my favorite movies. Even though I have heard it many times, the words seemed to jump out at me; I know God was trying to speak to me through these songs,

“Somewhere over the rainbow”
Skies are blue
And the dreams that you dare to dream
Really do come true”

Somewhere along this journey I am on, I seem to have forgotten my dreams, I have let life’s distractions and difficulties get in the way of the dreams I dared to dream.

“His dream for you” I love the words to the chorus
“But His dream for you was meant for no one else
A dream that’s so much more that you dreamt for yourself.
His dream for you held in an open hand
Is waiting there until you dare to believe in His dream for you.”

God’s dream for me is far greater than I could ever dream for myself. The last song Sheila sang was "Find your wings". “I pray that God would fill your heart with dreams and that faith gives you the courage to dare to do great things I’m here for you whatever this life brings, so let my love give you roots and help you find your wings”

Do you remember when you were a child and you dreamed about what you where going to do when you grow up. I remember dreaming that I was going to be on Broadway. I loved to sing and spent many hours in my bedroom singing my heart out to my teddy bears. I would line them all up, I must say they were an excellent audience, very attentive, didn’t move an inch…seriously, I had such dreams of doing great things, traveling the world, having a family, a big house, great career.

Well I can tell you the Broadway thing never panned out, it had something to do with lack of talent…I can sing but not that good…. and I really can’t act at all.

I did travel around Europe with my 20lb nap-sack when I was 21, after I finished college.

At 25 I got married to my prince charming, had a great career and gave birth to two amazing children.

When I was 33 we moved to a big house on a ¾ acre lot. It seemed like all my dreams were coming true. I should have been so happy, it looked like I had it all, but I was far from happy, in fact I was empty, lonely, and sad. You see fulfilling my dreams did not make me happy, they were my dreams for me not God’s dreams for me. Life is not about me and what I want… The world would like to tell you otherwise, with all their self-help books, you can have it all, and you need to put yourself first…

Life is about a relationship with the creator of the universe, who by the way created us for that purpose. You see I was empty inside because the only person that could fill me was Jesus. He is the only way to a relationship with God. I needed the faith that gives you the courage to dare to do great things…to dare to believe in His dream for me.

My dreams have changed since I became a follower of Jesus Christ, they have become less materialistic. God has placed a desire in my heart to serve others, and help the needy. I want to live my life so that it brings glory and honor to God. To do great things for Him.

But as I stated earlier, I let life’s challenges get me off track and forget about the dreams God gave me. Sometimes they just seem too BIG, but God reminds me in His word that it’s not by my might nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the Lord Almighty. Zechariah 4:6 and nothing is impossible with God. Luke 1:37 Jesus said what is impossible with men is possible with God. Luke 18:27

Dare to believe in His dream for you and pray for the faith to have the courage to do great things. God gave us a dream to put together a ministry for women to come away and spend time At His Feet. God has done some amazing things through AHF Ministries. He has changed our lives as well as many other incredible women who learned how precious they are to Him, how loved they are and what it means to have an intimate relationship with their Heavenly Father through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. I could have never dreamed this myself…God’s dreams are far greater than mine.

What is God’s dream for you? I know that God has been speaking to me lately through His word about “what are you doing to take care of the poor”? He has given me the dream and desire to use my passion for cooking to help feed the poor. I am not sure how that looks at the moment but God does and He will reveal it in His time.

I pray that you spend time with the Lord, sitting at His Feet, listen to Him speak to you through His word, revealing His dreams for you.

Sweet Dreams my friends,

Sunday, June 3, 2007

We made it....

Well.. it has been a long day..a wonderful and long weekend. As I head off to bed I want to touch base and say hello. As most of you know, the chickettes from AHF Ministries piled in a van and headed to a conference in Rochester this weekend. What an incredible weekend in so many respects. I have lots to share...and shall do that in the upcoming days...but for tonight I want to leave you with a few words.... "what are the things you chose to do and chose not to do?" Start pondering...I have some things to share with you from my heart..... as soon as I can stay awake long enough to think straight.....

Christine... I thank you from the bottom of my heart for arranging this weekend for each of us, from the tickets to the smallest of detail that you took care of to the most amazing friendship and love you have shown each of us. Anita, Louise, Kimberley and Michelle... you Godly women, the most loyal, loving and wonderful friends. I am blessed to have been enabled to walk the journey with each of you!!

God Bless